Faux horror trumped up by anti-nuclear groups is based, weirdly enough, on the principles of homeopathic medicine.
Long discredited, but never fully outgrown, homeopathy demands users imagine that compounds diluted a billion times beyond the efficacious still have power, sort of like all of Europe sharing a single aspirin for its headaches.
In like manner, antinukes complain that unknown, undetectable badness emanates from our power plants. When scientific tests demonstrate they're not harmful, Antinukes homeopathically declare the bad just hasn't been found yet, and demand more tests. It's a stance where they can never be wrong, and those who think otherwise can never be right. As such, it's biased, undemocratic, and markedly unprogressive, akin to hunting demons, absolutely suspicious of diverse opinion on the matter.
All contrary opinions are dismissed as corrupt.
This moralizing assumption of unworthiness in their would-be-educators from within the science locks them forever in the anteroom of dissent, a paranoid space of half-learning, where scraps of inside information are brandished as starving men would wave a bread crust, arousing peers for a paltry single-crumb-dinner of supposed "great Import" time, after time, after time, as they each gobble down their crumb, which is declared by all to have great homeopathic effect, granting them full knowlege of what society should do for the next twenty years. It's no accident that the exercise reeks of sacrament, with info-scraps as communion wafer.
The movement is unabashedly a religion,.. the HOMEOPATHIC CHURCH OF LUDD.
Inside the Church, there's a social bonding, and gaining of new friends. There's the ousting of the demon-other, by the righteous-we-the-people. A scapegoat dynamic channeling negative energy outward, cleansing true believers of hate, by shipping hate elswhere, to others.
Today, this mechanism finds itself bereft of suitable victims in the PC worldview of total inclusion, but the energy transfers to new targets in anti-technology campaigns, allowing hate to be enjoyed, transmogrified into the "innocent" hate of waste, or pollution, or nuclear science. So "Kill-the-Nukes" is nothing more than "Kill-the-Pig", of "Lord of the Flies " fame, made politically correct, and targeted at your lightbulb.
It poses as victimless. It is a way to victimize, while focusing on an iconic substitute,... for the technology hated is a human enterprise, and thus not at all victimless. Practitioners/participants can say "I don't hate anyone", while engaging in all the behaviors typically displayed by hate groups, simply by hating the icon...the technology.
And thus, at its core, it's a state of denial. It is the living of hate, while denying the existence of hate. This has a simple one-word name: